Obtaining co-funding of the investment of Primat d.d.
For the purchase of machinery and equipment, Primat d.d. through a public tender, obtained financial resources provided by the European Union - NextGeneration EU.
The company Primat d.d. decided to invest in the purchase of new machines and equipment, which will raise production to a higher technological level, increase the company's productivity, production capacity and, more generally, the general growth and competitiveness of the economy.
With the investment, we emphasize technologies that contribute to sustainable development, either through more efficient use of energy sources or through material efficiency, which in turn has positive financial effects.
In obtaining co-funding, the company was successful in the tender of the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology or Public agency SPIRT - PUBLIC TENDING FOR PROMOTING LARGE INVESTMENTS FOR GREATER PRODUCTIVITY AND COMPETITIVENESS IN THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA (JR INVEST2022-NOO).
The company received a positive decision from the Public Agency SPIRT on 11.10.2022, with which it was granted co-funding of the investment in question.
In accordance with the subject of the tender application and the signed contract, the company will implement the planned investment, 96 percent of which relates to the purchase of machinery and equipment. The investment is expected to be completed in December 2024.
Financial resources are provided by the European Union - NextGeneration EU from the funds of the recovery and resilience mechanism.
Link to the website www.eu-skladi.si