
Visit of students from the Secondary school of economics Maribor

In the month of October, for the third consecutive year, students from the Secondary school of economics Maribor visited the Primat company. They decided to familiarize themselves with the real business environment and production processes. During the visit, they had the opportunity to observe the production process and gain a detailed understanding of the entire business operation, from the idea for a product to the moment it reaches the user and performs its function.

The students had the chance to learn about the phases of product development, manufacturing, and marketing firsthand, undoubtedly enhancing their understanding of the subject matter within their education. Such visits provide an excellent opportunity for young individuals to connect with the business world, broaden their horizons, and, at the same time, for companies to contribute to the education and development of future generations of professionals.

Visit of students from the Secondary school of economics Maribor
